Sinixt Confederacy, Colville Confederated Tribes and the Arrow Lakes Caribou Society Sign Memorandum of Agreement

[June 19, 2024, Nakusp] – The Arrow Lakes Caribou Society, the Sinixt Confederacy and the Colville Confederated Tribes have signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) at a signing ceremony in Nakusp on June 19th. The signing ceremony, overlooking the Arrow Lakes on the Nakusp Waterfront Walkway, on traditional Sinixt territory represented a historic partnership initiation between ALCS, Sinixt and the Tribes.

This MOA signifies the collaboration of the groups with a common interest in protecting and preserving the Central Selkirk herd of southern mountain woodland caribou in southern BC. The Central Selkirk herd’s historical range is on traditional Sinixt territory.

The partnership with the Sinixt Confederacy and the Colville Confederated Tribes will create an opportunity for relationship building, local knowledge, and cultural knowledge to enhance the herd recovery efforts.

The Chairman of the Colville Confederated Tribes, Jarred-Michael Erickson, said, “We welcome this alliance with a group that shares our interest in sustaining caribou within Sinixt territory for future generations.  For too long, the Sinixt people were expelled by force from the lands they had occupied since time immemorial. But the Sinixt have now returned home, and we will do everything in our power to preserve our traditional lands and to restore what is damaged. The caribou need care today, and we will provide that care.”

Hugh Watt, Arrow Lakes Caribou Society president said, “On behalf of the members of the Society, we are deeply honoured to be working with the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation and the Sinixt people on this critical project, with the goal of stopping the decline of southern mountain caribou in their natural historical range. Together we have developed a strong working relationship which is a great example of people and communities coming together to solve complex issues. CTCR and Sinixt people have a very long and successful history of wildlife recovery and management, and we feel fortunate to draw on this experience and join forces to help caribou. This Memorandum of Agreement is an important step forward for caribou and those that are working together to help them.”

Thank you to the community, stakeholder groups, and the Province of BC for supporting the Central Selkirk Caribou Maternity Pen Project, and thank you to the Sinixt Confederacy and the Colville Confederated Tribes for expanding this important partnership.

For more information about the Sinixt Confederacy, visit their website: For more information about the Colville Confederated Tribes, visit their website:

Follow the ALCS on our website ( and social media for more information. Facebook: @arrowlakescaribou, Instagram: @arrow_lakes_caribou.

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